Donna McGrath, former NIH Molecular Biologist, was invited to The White House under Ronald Reagan for her ground-breaking work on sickle-cell anemia, which was featured in TIME, Newsweek, API, UPI, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Following her life-altering 1994 Journey to Enlightenment experience, in which the Light of God revealed the “cure for all dis-eases” to her, and revealed prophetic scenes regarding the history of the planet (which all have come true, including… The Blizzard of 1996, Hurricane Floyd, 9/11, Falling of the Stock Market, The Indonesian Tidal Wave, rising oil prices, the China Earthquake, the current American Economic Depression, and future prophecies, she was gifted with clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and the ability to perform long distance healing miracles.

As seen on CNN, Donna is a gifted Trance Medical Medium and Master Energy Healer who communicates and facilitates miracle healings from The Other Side. She has performed over 45,000 readings as a Trance Medium, Contacting the Deceased, and facilitated thousands of individual counseling sessions and miracle healings worldwide utilizing her unique channeled long-distance healing technique.

Donna worked behind the scenes on Bravo TV’s hit show, Project Runway, Season 4, energetically inflating a model’s collapsed lung via phone and obviated the need for subsequent lung surgery the next week…

Additionally, her work has obviated the need for knee surgery, lung surgery, and lung transplant.  She has facilitated miracles in cases of HIV, cancer,  psychological diseases, drug weaning and rehab, asthma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sexual issues, headaches, dermatomyocytis, kidney disease, hearing and sight loss, food intolerances, anorexia, bulemia, bipolar disorder, ADD, allergies, gluten intolerance, genetic diseases, disc herniations, back pain and a plethora of other grief and relationship related issues.

She acted in and advised on the set of The Mandala Maker, an independent film in which a young woman heals herself of a severe emotional trauma by painting healing mandalas, which qualified for an Oscar in 2009. She starred in the documentary, Snake Hill, in which one man’s 22 year search for his grandfather’s remains leads to the largest disinterment/re-interment in US history at New Jersey’s infamous Snake Hill burial grounds.

Slated for future release are From Corporate Mentality to Spiritual Reality; A True Out-of Body Journey to Enlightenment, Miracles of Total Body Healing, True Cases of Miracle Healings from the Files of a Master Energy Healer, and Healing Your Feelings, Change Your Life, An Emotional Transformation Technique for Healing the Self and Interpersonal Relationships.

Available now for purchase is her MP3, From Corporate Mentality to Spiritual Reality, Mystical Experiences where  Donna describes her transcendent OBE to the Light of God and several other mystical experiences such as kundalini experiences, pre and post cognition and an angelic visitation from the Archangel Gabriel.

Currently available is Donna McGrath’s NEW  Miracles of Total Body Healing MP3, a multipurpose MP3 which is 45 minute full body meditation, which can literally be used to heal all conditions, depending on the user’s intentions. It is EXTREMELY powerful.

Donna McGrath is the originating founder of the non-profit, Create-a-Miracle Foundation, a foundation sponsoring cost-free Spiritual Healing Modalities, a Spiritual Healer Network, Energy Healing Instrumentation Laboratory, Nutritional Supplementation, and Housing for Children ages 0-99!

Internationally Acclaimed Research Scientist, #1 Technical/Diagnostic Sales

Donna McGrath MT, (ASCP) Board Certified Medical Technologist, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Internship The Christ Hospital/ University of Cincinnati Medical School. 1976-1980.

University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Toxicology Laboratory, MT (ASCP) Technician, Stat Laboratory, Identification of Drugs Taken in Overdose Cases, by Mass Spectrometry, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Thin Layer Chromatography and also Therapeutic Drug Monitoring utilizing Flow through Spectrophotometers. 1980-1981.

National Institutes of Health, Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH Scientist, Molecular Biologist, Genetic Switching B-Hemoglobin Genes in Sickle Cell Anemia and B Thalassemia by drug 5- Azacytidine. w/ Dr. Timothy Ley, MD and Arthur W. Nienhuis, MD, Director, 1981-1983. (See publications below aka D.V. Haidaris), and news articles, API UPI,  Wall Street Journal, TIME, Newsweek, The New York Times, (front page) The New York Post. Invitation to Reagan White House.

The Salk Institute, La Jolla, Ca.-Scientist-Plant Molecular Biology Research, Identifying protein responsible for solid content of tomato. 1983.

Pharmacia, Fortune 500, Piscataway, NJ- Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography Purification Systems- Technical Sales, Installation and Applications Support, Southern Ca, (Scripps and Salk Institute), Arizona, New Mexico, 1983-1984.

Pharmacia LKB, Molecular Biology Division, Fortune 500 Molecular Biology Technical Sales, #1 Sales Representative, Territory NIH, Maryland, through Florida, 1984-1985.

Pharmacia LKB, Molecular Biology Division, In-House Molecular Biology Technical Services, PH.D Level, servicing Ph.D’s MD”s and Pathologists with Technical Genomic Maps, Technical Information regarding Molecular Biology Reagent Applications, Protein Purification, and Experimental Design. 1985-1986.

Tago, Inc. San Francisco. Technical Sales Representative/ Monoclonal and Polyclonal antibodies. Territory Academic Institutes in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Initiated and expanded territory to 1.2 M in 6 months. 1987-1988.

Becton Dickinson, Division, Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, Ca. Fortune 100. Diagnostic Representative for State-of-the-Art  FACSCAN Laser-Based Flow Cytometry Systems, (Designed Silicon Valley, Stanford University) Diagnostic Sales Representative for FACSCAN and Diagnostic Monoclonal Antibodies, System or Hospital  Diagnostic Testing of Cancer Sub populations and HIV Screening T4/T8 cells. #1 Sales Rep, 8.5 M Territory- Hospitals and Large Reference Laboratories throughout New York, New Jersey, Long Island. 1988-1990.

Johnson and Johnson, Raritan, N.J., Fortune 100, Technical Sales/Marketing Product Support, Flow Cytometer, Marketing Support for 100+ person sales force and 35 sales managers. Clinical testing and sales to large bioreference labs. 1990-1991.

Molecular Devices Corporation, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Ca. Technical Sales Representative, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Bioanalytical instrumentation sales including Microplate Readers, electrophysiology instrumentation, scanners and analysis software for microarrays used in therapeutic and bioanalytical research. 1991-1993.

Fisons, UK-  Technical Instrumentation Sales- Multinational company, member of London Stock Exchange LTSE 100. Sold pharmaceutical and electrophysiology scientific instruments. trained in Ipswich, UK. 1993-1994.

Becton Dickinson, Division, Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, Ca. Fortune 100. Diagnostic Representative for State-of-the-Art  FACSCAN Laser-Based Flow Cytometry Systems, (Designed Silicon Valley, Stanford University) Diagnostic Sales Representative for FACSCAN and Diagnostic Monoclonal Antibodies, System or Hospital  Diagnostic Testing of Cancer Subpopulations and HIV Screening T4/T8 cells. #1 Sales Rep, 8.5 M Territory- Hospitals and Large Reference Laboratories throughout New York, New Jersey, Long Island. 1988-1990.

Scientific Papers, Publications: McGrath, Donna aka PUBLICATION NAME D.V. Haidaris

 Ley, T.J., Chiang, Y., Haidaris, D.V, Winslow, V., Anagnou, N.P, Anderson, F. 5- Azacytidine selectively activates gamma globin genes in MEL hybrids containing human chromosome 11. Nature 1983. 1

Ley, T J., DeSimone, J, Noguchi, C.T., Haidaris, D.V., Schechter, A., Heller, P., Nienhuis, A.W. 5- Azacytidine increases gamma globin synthesis and reduces the proportion of dense cells in patients with sickle cell anemia. Blood, 1982. 1

Stamatoyannopolous G., Nienhuis, A.W. et al. Organization and expression of globin genes; DNA methylation and globin gene expression in patients treated with 5-Azacytidine. New York: Alan Liss, Inc., 1980.

Master Energy Healer-Trance Medium- Medical Nutritional Medium-Author-Motivational Speaker

Spiritual Enlightenment, Hillsborough, NJ 1994. Direct experience with The Light of God while reading The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Multiple additional mystical experiences, Chitzen Itza, Merida, Uxmal, Peru.

Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Method. 1995 NJ and New York, NY.

Fountain of Vitality Health Foods, Hillborough, NJ. Expert Sales and Customer Support, In-depth knowledge of current lines of nutritional requirements, supplements, ingredients, formulations, vitamins, specialty supplements, herbs, homeopathy, glandulars, flower essences, health foods. alternative and complementary medicine. 10,000 customers individually counselled.. 1996-2001.

After her 1994 Enlightenment, Donna McGrath developed her psychic mediumship s70kills of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairscentience regarding Contact with the Deceased and has psychically read and has spoken professionally to over 70,000 clients in the last 21 years at National Spiritual/Metaphysical shows such as The Whole Life Expo, Mind, Body, Spirit Expos, Conscious Living Expos and New Life Expos in New York, NY, Fort Lauderdale, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New Brunswick, NJ, Maine and Chicago, Ill. She has given over 200 talks on her biography, From Corporate Mentality to Spiritual Reality, A True Out-of-Body Journey to Enlightenment, which will be released soon.

Donna McGrath has worked with clients nationally as well as internationally in the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, China, Philippines, Germany, Scotland, Puerto Rico, Germany, France, India, Africa and South America. She has also worked with Television, News Anchors and Hollywood celebrities.

Certified Hypnotherapist, National Association of Hypnotherapists and Counselors. and International Association of Counselors and Therapists,  Steven LaVelle 1995.

Member The Academy of Professional Hypnosis, Union, NJ. 1995-1997. Mentored by Chairman Anthony F. DeMarco, Ph.D. specializing in time-line regression analysis and repair of emotional traumas. See

Certified in NeuroLinguistic Programming NLP, Instructor Steve G. Jones, Hypnotherapy, 2002.

Additional Modalities studied: Spiritual Response Therapy, IET Integrated Energy Therapy, Flower Essence Therapy, Muscle Kinesiology, DNA Activation, Angel Therapy, Emotion Code, EFT.

Certified Ordained Minister, Order of Melchizedek, (Orthodox Christian Priests and all Catholic Priest are ordained in Order of  Melchizedek (Jesus Christ) . 1994. Rev. Daniel Chesbro, Genesco, NY.

Officiated Weddings, Funerals and Last Rights.

Member International Association of Near Death Studies 1995-1998.

President of NJ Chapter of  International Association of Near Death Studies. 1996.

People of Distinction- Committee Member, 2014.

UnSung Hero Award- People of Distinction-2016. Received in Congress, Wash. DC

Filmography, Books, Meditation Recordings IMDb Credits

(see IMDb Donna McGrath)

Bullet in the Brain, 2001.

Short Fuse, 2004.

Snake Hill, 2007.

The Mandala Maker, 2009.

From Corporate Mentality to Spiritual Reality, A True Out-of-Body Journey to Enlightenment.

Miracles of Total Body Healing, True Case Histories from the Files of a Master Energy Healer.